
Hello all! Welcome to Mitcheldean Soaps first ever Blog!
Find out what we are up to and be the first to hear about our new products.
Our website is www.morethanbubbles.co.uk
email us at sara@morethanbubbles.co.uk

Monday, 25 January 2010

Will you marry me????

Hi all

Well already it is that time of year again, we have just left Christmas behind us and Valentines is fast approaching! We just wanted to let you know we can personalise any soap bar you buy with whatever you wanted to say to your loved one! I would love it if someone actually requested a "Will you marry me!"
Don't forget you can join us on Facebook and please vote below.
That's all for today.
Sara Soap

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Lots to tell and it's only Wednesday!

Well it's been a very busy week so far and the snow has been quite busy again too! On Monday we started making our new range of candles aptly called Forest Flames! Over the coming few weeks this range will become available on our website to buy (www.morethanbubbles.co.uk) we are very excited with this range as we will be able to offer different items such as floating candles, votives etc.
We have also teamed up with www.businessfirstglos.co.uk a leading business development club based right here in the Forest of Dean, we are very excited to be members and I personally am looking forward to our meetings.
The best news of all so far this week is we have been given a certificate from THEBESTOF website, for those who don't know "thebestof" they are a website which has been designed for the public to find the best businesses in a certain area. We have to meet strict rules etc to be allowed to join so we were A) estatic when we were allowed to join and B) really estatic when they handed us this award!
The award states "Mitcheldean Soap has been officially recognised as one of the best businesses in the Forest of Dean because - They provide outstanding quality products and excellent customer service" Well I don't think I could have put this better myself!! So am very pleased and I would like to say a Big Thank You to all those who left testimonials for us on the site which led to this happy event!

Anyway still two days of the working week left .......

Don't forget to vote below!

Bye for now
Sara Soap

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Inspiration and motivation

Hi all
Yes the snows still here and getting deeper, in fact it's so deep my youngest can't venture outdoors as the snow comes up past his knees! Anyway all this being snowed in has allowed us to sit back and take stock of where we are at the moment and where we want to be this time next year!
We have come up with lots of ingenious plans and I am just bursting with excitement to get out there and put them into action.
So as much as I love the snow, come on your time is up, melt on and move over as Mitcheldean Soap is taking over!
Don't forget to vote below!
Sara Soap

Monday, 11 January 2010

Snowy days!

Well it's still snowing which is nice but it doesn't allow us to get a lot done! All the plans we had for the last week have had to be put on hold but don't worry though, once that pesky/delightful snow has gone we will let you know all the latest news from Mitcheldean Soap.
Don't forget to vote below!
Sara Soap

Tuesday, 5 January 2010


We got a bit side tracked by the snow today! Managed to get listed in this years Yellow Pages and did just a little bit more paperwork, but the call of snowballs was just too tempting!!

Monday, 4 January 2010

Accounts and a lot of head scratching

Have spent today getting the dreaded paperwork back under control after the last couple of months madness! As much as it pained me to start doing it once started it was quite enjoyable and turned into yet another productive day!
Thanks for all your kind emails about this blog and if you want to follow us feel free and sign up , remember it's free to set up a google account.
Don't forget to vote on the poll below!
Sara Soap

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Great start to the New Year

Spent all day today at "the Bubble" (the unit) and made great progress in building up stock levels again. Have been thinking about a new fragrance for soaps in January - any ideas anyone?
Gave the Bubble a good sort out and a good clean up , it's amazing how disorganised it managed to get over the Christmas madness period.
Now off to have a lovely hot bath with some bath salts I made earlier - they are fragranced with Vanilla, Orange, Ylang Ylang and Jasmine essential oils and if I do so say myself smell and feel gorgeous!!!
All for now

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Brand New Year

Holidays are all over and I am now starting to think about the forthcoming year. The last couple of months just blew me away with the amount of orders we were receiving for our soap in fact don't tell anyone but I only just kept up with them!
Next year we will be more prepared
Thank you all for helping my business grow, I have moved from my kitchen into a lovely unit and that is all in the space of two years!
Now sit back and follow our journey over the coming months!